
The ammonite – a piece of jewelry that is millions of years old – combined with tiger’s eye faceted copper and copper in the shape of a rod –

Limited edition!

The ammonites are an extinct subgroup of the so-called cephalopods (including cuttlefish). They belonged to the animal group of the molluscs and were only found in the sea. Ammonites first appeared about 410 million years ago in the geological age & ldquo, Lower Devonian, & ldquo, and died out at the end of the & ldquo, Cretaceous & ldquo, about 60 million years ago.

About 30,000 to 40,000 different types of ammonites have existed. This made them one of the most numerous and species-rich creatures in the seas. The size of the shell of adult animals was 1 to 30 cm. Their housing was made of lime and offered protection to the mollusks. It was divided into two larger areas: the living chamber and the float. In the living room sat, most of the soft body. The float was filled with gas. So the animals could move in the water. Their fossils are discovered today at various sites.

The combination of tiger’s eye and copper presented here lets the ammonite work in a very special way. The tiger’s eye is a popular gemstone that knows how to captivate with its silky shine. If you move the stone in the light, the light gliding over the surface reminds you of the eye of a predator. In addition to this great visual effect, which is responsible for the naming, tiger’s eye also has a positive effect on our well-being:

The stone gives courage security and offers protection. It refines the senses, improves the ability to concentrate and thus helps to keep track of difficult life situations. The increased well-being in turn prevents stress, fears and doubts.

The chain has a length of 50 cm and a weight of approx. 118 grams. It can be closed with a 925 silver gold-plated lock.